Sure, we knew what had transpired. Impeachment. Acquittal. Betrayal ala Mitt, with a side of religious posturing at its most sickening. And of course, there was Nancy’s infamous tearing of the speech.
A full-fledged coup had failed, and it hadn’t even started with those brazenly one-sided House hearings. Sparked by deep state holdovers, this coup was hatched before Trump ever took office. You know the names: Strzok, Page, Comey, Brennan, Vindman, Sondland—too many to list—all plotting with an even wider group of deep state operatives toward one goal:
Destroy Donald Trump.
Poised to pounce, these soulless creatures circled like demons in a lake of fire. They’d find something, anything, or just make it up. Trump had been down that road (fake dossier, anyone?), but this had gotten worse. Much worse. This was countless people on whom Trump depended, whispering in hallways and meeting at restaurants—while acting respectful to his face.
And it was all aided by those three big influencers of public thought—the media, academia, and the entertainment industry. Over three years, wherever Trump turned, the nation’s most powerful voices told all Americans he deserved this. Trump deserved to be spied upon—in fact, it wasn’t even spying, right? It was just surveilling him without his knowledge. Trump deserved House hearings where the chief prosecutor was also the judge, with 17 witnesses offered against him while none were allowed in his favor. Hey, that’s perfectly normal! In fact, Trump deserved anything ever done to him, as everyone from children to the elderly were programmed with one message: There’s no bad way to take down a dictator.
This was evil. Pure, absolute, and incredibly powerful…evil.
And now, having survived the conspiracy, Trump stood up at a prayer breakfast. Nancy Pelosi was there—perhaps tearing tickets. There were religious leaders, government officials, and of course, the all-seeing media. The stage was set.
Trump held nothing back. Tapping all his frustration—all his pain—Trump let it out at the “wrong” time. He gushed about the horrors of what his family endured. He called out tormenters for doing what they knew was wrong. He even humiliated Mitt and Nancy for hiding wicked actions behind religious rhetoric. Pelosi claims she prays for Trump. He boldly said she doesn’t.
(By the way, Nancy, telling God to make Trump act more like you want him to…isn’t praying for Trump. It’s praying at him. Just an FYI…)
Anyway, Trump’s speech was wholly undignified. It was bad politics. It was the opposite of everything I would do in his shoes. And I loved every minute of it.
No, Trump didn’t do what I’d do. Were I in his shoes, I’d show what many cowards call, “class.” I’d downplay rivalries. Oozing unity, I’d score political points. I’d show no pain, no pettiness, and no anger. I’d be..sigh…presidential.
And I would hate it.
Because let’s be honest here. Most of us have dealt with “deep state operatives,” whether at jobs, in our families, at school, in politics, or yes, even in churches. We know the betrayal. We’ve felt the pain. And while we generally hold our tongues to keep safe, we wish we could do…exactly what Trump did. Yes, publicly. Angrily. In the wrong settings, at the wrong times, and with no restraint whatsoever.
Because really, that’s what these monsters deserve. They deserve the shocking public treatment Jesus gave Pharisees, not the frightened restraint we use to survive. They deserve people standing up at meetings and calling out their corruption. They deserve to feel the pain they cause others.
They deserve this. But they never get it. Not until now.
In a way, Trump spoke for all of us at that prayer breakfast. Have you fallen victim to plotting and scheming? Then Trump spoke for you. Have you been betrayed? Then Trump spoke for you. Have you felt helpless, hopeless, overrun by backroom maneuvers, and damaged by influential liars? Then my friend, Trump most certainly spoke for you.
Trump lost some votes at the National Prayer Breakfast. He was emotional. Hurt. Blunt. Unpresidential. Part of me winced at his self-inflicted setback, thinking, “No! Don’t give back the big gains you’ve made over the past week!”
But a larger part of me celebrated, for Trump didn’t just get things off his chest. He got things off all our chests. Trump wasn’t just saying “You shouldn’t treat me this way.” He was saying, “No one should treat anyone this way!” As monsters heard Trump’s words, his message was crystal clear. Let me paraphrase:
“Ruthless people should never be safe. You don’t like being called out at a prayer breakfast? Well, here’s a novel idea: DON’T HURT PEOPLE YOU’LL SEE AT PRAYER BREAKFASTS!”
Nope, I wouldn’t have done what Trump did. Not in a million years. I’m too presidential to be a good president.
But thankfully, Trump is too good a president to be presidential. Allowing no safe spaces for evildoers, he’ll even disrupt a prayer breakfast. So leave your dignity at the door, ‘kay? Look around you. Terrorists are finally dying. Rival nations are finally negotiating. And like monsters abroad, America’s deep state conspirators are finally realizing there’s nowhere to hide. Not at a prayer breakfast. Not anywhere. The cloak of dignity is removed, because this guy doesn’t care how he sounds. If you conspire to hurt others, Trump just wants to expose you. A lot.
No, Trump doesn’t act like me, and I love it.
Bravo, Mr. President.