The more I read, the more I thought, “Oh, come on!”
I’m really wondering what has become of us. Since 2008, I have watched friends, acquaintances and strangers who all identify as “right-wing” complain. Their outrage has been justified, most definitely. Naming just a few scandals include: Obamacare being forced through Congress using cloture, the SCOTUS decision upholding it (thanks for nothing, John Roberts), the outrageously expensive Stimulus and ballooning national debt, the IRS targeting Conservative and Tea Party groups, Benghazi, Hillary’s email server and the endless web of her lies and deceit, far too extensive to list here.
Ok. Anger, rants, disillusionment all make sense. I totally get it. I’ve done it myself.
But let’s look at today. After rejecting Romney in 2012 (for not being Conservative enough), we have suffered another four years of the Obama administration and Hillary’s corruption. And, my Facebook feed is still filled with anger and rants. What’s scary is that now, the majority of this anger is aimed at other Conservatives (whatever shade of red they wear). I'll leave out names, but people I care about and who ranted for the past 8 years against the scandals listed above, are now saying things like, “I can’t vote for Trump because he’s supportive of Planned Parenthood,” or “I’d rather they win with their monster than we win with ours,” or “I disagree with Hillary on policy, but Trump on character, therefore, Trump is worse.”
To quote a minion, “Whaaaaa????”
Hillary has better character? Oh, come on! We’re talking about the woman who lied to the parents of the Benghazi dead. Through obvious insider trading, she made $100,000 from a miniscule investment on cattle futures. She ran a hit squad targeting victims of her husband’s sexual abuse, and oh, by the way, hid and erased her emails on a private server while receiving millions in donations from foreign nations – donations likely discussed in those deleted emails. How many people have died because of Trump’s decisions? Such a comment represents willful delusion.
Their monster vs. ours? Oh, come on! Ours may be uncouth and at times, a jerk, but no one has died due to his business decisions. And while he has taken advantage of tax laws he didn’t write, please, tell me how many tax deductions you yourself have left on the table approaching April 15th? Meanwhile, Hillary uses her government position to advance her financial status. Joy Overbeck’s most recent column compares and contrasts these two better than I can. After reading it, I dare anyone to try and equate the two. No, I double-dare you.
Planned Parenthood? Oh, come on! This one makes me angry. There’s no comparison. Hillary wants abortion any time, for any reason, including partial birth abortion. Trump has released a list of pro-life judges he’d like to appoint, has asked Ted Cruz to advise him on further appointments and just chose one of the most pro-life VP’s imaginable.
This is not an exhaustive list. It’s the tip of an enormous iceberg of ludicrous and easily disproven exaggerations.
And now that I’ve completely pissed people off, allow me to finish my thoughts.
What has happened to us? I agree that Trump is a DEEPLY flawed candidate and I wish he wasn’t our nominee. That said, I’ve never seen the circular firing squad more active. More vicious. We’ve lost our direction. We’ve forgotten why we are fighting. We don’t love the Constitution or this Country. What we love is fighting with each other.
This country is falling apart and we only have ourselves to blame.