- A “Lawful investigation with a few irregularities.”
- Enacted by low-level, rogue members of the FBI—it came from high-ranking members.
- Legal in any way.
- Justified in any way.
- Driven by anything but intense bias.
- Not spying.
Inspector General Michael Horowitz wanted this coup attempt—yes, it was a coup attempt—downplayed. A Deep State guy, Horowitz tried to wish this all away. But as Graham assembled a timeline of incriminating details, it became clear Horowitz was wishing upon a star—a fallen one at that.
Worse yet, Horowitz can no longer cover for his comrades. The ball is leaving his hands, now to be carried by Attorney General Bill Barr and US Attorney John Durham—and these two are pissed. Their comments flatly dismissing Horowitz’s laughable conclusions make one thing clear:
The hunt is about to begin. The coup conspirators are going to be crucified.
Picture James Comey. Picture James Clapper. Picture Brennan, McCabe, Strzok, Page, and the most doomed person of all, former FBI lawyer Kevin “Viva La Resistance!” Clinesmith. Picture them being taken to a private island…then set loose in the jungle, to be chased by skilled hunters and vicious dogs.
That’s what going to happen over the next several months. The hunt—their hell—is about to begin.
Yeah, I know you’re skeptical. “Democrats never get caught!” you’ll say. But understand, Horowitz was their last protection—the last guy keeping them off the island. And he’s now on a boat, sailing away.
The last guy who called spying “not spying”—sailing away. The last guy who said insane bias played no role—sailing away. The last spin machine is gone. All that remains are Barr, Durham, and some equally angry Republican lawyers (those are the dogs, baby) who haven’t fed like this in decades. The conspirators, trapped on this island, are now as helpless as Hunter Biden without Quid Pro Daddy.
Am I seeking vindication? Nope, not good enough. I want reputations destroyed and several conspirators in orange jumpsuits. Heck, if someone creates a 2020 jumpsuit calendar, I’ll buy ten. Legally speaking, I want blood. I want heads mounted on walls—all sporting that terrified look when verdicts come down.
Sound mean? It shouldn’t. I only want what these people did to us for the past three years, by mercilessly hunting the man we elected. These people are supposed to protect us! They’re supposed to honor our votes! Hey Comey, Brennan, McCabe, Strzok, Page, etc…
When I managed at a casino, many of my customers had opposing political views. Proudly wearing Obama hats and shirts, they embraced someone I felt despised America and wanted it “fundamentally transformed.” Their President would target people like me with the IRS, deepen America's racial divide, apologize for our “arrogance” on the world stage, and as we later learned, weaponize intel agencies to spy on a political rival named Donald Trump.
Their President was, frankly, a monster. A liar. A powerful activist seeing me as some stupid hick bitterly clinging to my God, guns, and antipathy toward people who look different from me.
And yet, did I treat his supporters poorly? On the contrary, I treated them with the highest respect and friendliness! I treated them like gold, because they were my valued customers. They paid the bills! Just like my Republican customers, they deserved great service, BECAUSE I WORKED FOR THEM.
Newsflash, Deep State conspirators: YOU WORK FOR ME! We conservatives pay taxes like everyone else, and you are supposed to serve our needs equally. No bias. No favoritism. You may not like our MAGA hats and shirts, but our tax dollars should never work against us!
When we pay you to protect freedoms, we expect you to set aside bias and serve…period. We don’t expect 17 “mistakes” on FISA apps to all favor one side. We don’t expect rabid leftists like Peter Strzok handling both investigations into Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump. We don’t expect Hillary exonerated (in advance!) when the facts show guilt, and Trump grilled for years with no real evidence. We don't expect documents severely altered so you can "Resist" someone we elected!
And we sure as hell don’t expect you to claim that surveilling someone without their knowledge and placing wired “assets” in their ranks…isn’t spying.
YOU WORK FOR ME! Do you get that? Do you? Or are you going to insult me by saying everything you’re doing is not what you’re doing—because you call it by different names!
Oh please. Of course you’ll insult me! You see me as subhuman, and my tax dollars as your divine right. Protected by a Deep State and corrupt press, you used your tax-funded power to attack the man I elected…and you didn’t care. You hunted him and ruined lives on that island. You didn’t care, because your absolute power absolutely corrupted your stone-cold hearts.
That’s why I rejoiced at the angry responses from Barr and Durham on the Horowitz Report. I realized, “Omigosh, these guys are as mad as I am…and now it’s their turn!” I rejoiced, you Deep State “Resistance” warriors, because I don’t just want vindication. I got that when Mueller imploded and the polls turned against impeachment. Now I want you running for your lives on that island.
I want you to realize, at long last, what we normals have always known: That when you serve someone, whether their hat reads “Obama” or “MAGA,” YOU WORK FOR THEM and they deserve full respect!
I want each of you Deep Staters panicking on that island, as hunting dogs draw closer and you run out of jungle. And when your reputations collapse and the hunters close in, I want you to remember these words: YOU WORK FOR ME!
Because I am the American taxpayer. I am the American voter. I am that forgotten peasant you despise, for whom Lindsey Graham spoke when detailing your despicable sins. And as you fall prey on that island of justice, know this: Bill Barr is me. John Durham is me. All those salivating dogs are me.
YOU WORK FOR ME, you soulless bastards! I voted for Trump, and now our economy is roaring, wages are rising, corruption is exposed, ISIS is gone, nations are paying UN dues and cutting better trade deals, and our border is being secured…because I voted for it!
That’s why I want you on that island—because above all, you hate everything that drains swamps and improves lives! Your hate for truth and prosperity drove you to treachery, and now it’s your turn to run scared!
The hunt—your hell—has begun. Enjoy it. I sure will.