I'm A Conservative
What does it mean to be a Conservative? What do different Conservative groups have in common? You might be surprised! |
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Is there a Republican "War on Women"?
A 30-second ad that turns the tables on this Democrat myth. |
I Freakin' Love Fracking!
Better watch out for those big, bad oil companies and their horrible fracking chemicals...Seriously? Fracking is one of the best things that has happened to America! Contrary to popular belief, it's safe and is leading us to energy independence.
We Freakin' Love Fracking! Get your bumper sticker today!
Instead of Obamacare
America's health insurance system is a mess, but the way to fix it is with choice, not control. |
Where are all the Jobs?
Who should we blame when American jobs move overseas? The companies moving them? Think again. |
Shouting At God
Why do so many Democrats hate God and silence those who like Him? Republicans are different -- watch and see how. |
"Battle in a Box"
Think you've heard all the arguments on "School Choice"? Take a fresh look at an age-old debate. |
Worry Less
So many of the worries we have in life come directly from wrongful burdens placed upon us by the Left. |