Movie Reviews on KLZ 560
Fridays, 3:00pm (and replayed at 6:00pm)
Each Friday, Andy reviews two newly released movies. He grades the film on overall quality, political, and moral/religious content using a scale of 0-5. 0 = horrible, 3 = neutral and 5 = spectacular
Not in the area? You can listen live online at
Fridays, 3:00pm (and replayed at 6:00pm)
Each Friday, Andy reviews two newly released movies. He grades the film on overall quality, political, and moral/religious content using a scale of 0-5. 0 = horrible, 3 = neutral and 5 = spectacular
Not in the area? You can listen live online at
Would you like a presentation for your event? Please send us an email: [email protected]
Do you struggle when sharing Conservative positions on issues? Are people not convinced, or worse yet, not interested?
Well, struggle no more. In this workshop, we'll discuss why so many people distrust the Right, and what we can do about it. Pressure is removed. Walls come down. After only 3 hours, attendees can better affect people around them—not in years, but days, hours, even minutes!
We'll discuss hot topics:
~ Abortion
~ Wage Inequality, including "Women make far less"
~ Free College
~ Taxes - Do the rich pay their "fair share?"
~ Immigration
...and other topics suggested by...You!
Well, struggle no more. In this workshop, we'll discuss why so many people distrust the Right, and what we can do about it. Pressure is removed. Walls come down. After only 3 hours, attendees can better affect people around them—not in years, but days, hours, even minutes!
We'll discuss hot topics:
~ Abortion
~ Wage Inequality, including "Women make far less"
~ Free College
~ Taxes - Do the rich pay their "fair share?"
~ Immigration
...and other topics suggested by...You!
Selling Liberty
How can we make a fast impact with those around us ? In this topic, we show how to dramatically change our impact with people we know - not in months and years, but minutes and seconds.
How can we make a fast impact with those around us ? In this topic, we show how to dramatically change our impact with people we know - not in months and years, but minutes and seconds.
One Line, One Standard, One Message
Today's GOP faces a distracted electorate that dismisses Conservatives as the bad guys. How have we added to the problem, and how can we break through with a fresh vision? "One Line, One Standard, One Message" equips us to unite the Right, draw others to us, and place the Left firmly on defense. In this session, you will learn how to undercut the Left's propaganda while becoming the good guys to American voters. Oh, it’s pretty fun, too!
20 - 4: Uniting the Right for Victory in 2016
There's no pretty way to put it: American Conservatism is deeply divided, and this division empowers the Left to wreak havoc. "20-4" ends the circular firing squad that is crippling the Right. Adopting fresh tactics, all Conservatives discover new appreciation for one another - with a strategy that honors our principles, while winning elections.
Robbing the Leftist Cradle
The Left's indoctrination has primed young voters to receive a fresh perspective from the Right. Join us to learn how!
America's Free Market
"Is it wrong for 1% of the people to have 50% of the wealth?"
If you ask most young people, the answer is, "Yes!" This presentation, designed specifically for Jr. High through College ages, changes this answer. In "America's Free Market," you'll learn how Capitalism makes people wealthy for the right reasons, helping everyone along the way.
If you ask most young people, the answer is, "Yes!" This presentation, designed specifically for Jr. High through College ages, changes this answer. In "America's Free Market," you'll learn how Capitalism makes people wealthy for the right reasons, helping everyone along the way.