Over the past couple of years, we have received some raised eyebrows over our decision to use the word “Choice” and reclaim it from the Left. Many people have felt it was too edgy, off-putting and even outright offensive. They would prefer that we use “Freedom” or “Liberty” (which are both fantastic words, by the way!) However, this episode of Hannity is a perfect example of WHY we use the word “Choice.”
You see, people don’t realize when their freedoms are being eroded, but they know the INSTANT A
CHOICE IS TAKEN AWAY. The people who initially supported Obamacare didn’t realize that they would be giving up their freedoms and the ability to select a plan that fit their needs. But as soon as those cancellation notices began arriving, they instantly knew their choice had been removed.
Light bulbs are starting to go off as this bad news is delivered, and we are pained to see families and individuals have to give up quality of life to buy insurance coverage they don’t want. Let’s not allow this opportunity to pass us by because now, more than ever, we have a chance to show people that Conservatives want to give them more choices but Liberals want to take their choices away.