I learned this from Ferguson. Opposed by mountains of evidence, the protesters still rampaged. They plundered. Angered by logic and deaf to reason, they ripped through businesses like children tearing wrapping paper off presents. Americans watched in horror. On every TV screen, we saw what once were giggling children now running like savage animals in loose jeans—animals who didn’t care.
And what do we hear from Democrat leaders? Pure accommodation. Their basic theme? “We support all your grievances spurring violence, but please don’t be violent, ’kay?” Classic enablement. Stoke the fire, then turn away as it burns—all while claiming to care.
Do these liberals care when all the rioting comes in cities ruled exclusively by Democrats? Democrat policies, Democrat excuses, Democrat programs shoveling billions of dollars to Democrat voters, who in turn demand more money while their streets descend into chaos—no, liberals don’t care. Not at all. More votes for Democrats—that’s all that matters to these monsters.
Why care when you can keep power? Why change systems that turn giggling children into rabid dogs when you hold their leash on Election Day? For liberals, these young people aren’t individuals with amazing potential. They’re just votes; just numbers.
And no one cares about numbers.
Education: Where Caring Must Begin
Democrats snuff out caring early on, and their tool for this is Public Education. Don’t doubt me here.
You want parents to care less? That’s easy. Just take away their choices, herd their kids like cattle, and convince them anyone offering choice is threatening their kids’ education. It’s simple psychology: Make someone powerless, and they’ll swap pride for dependency. Sure, they’ll still care about their kids (hopefully), but they’ll care far less about the program that’s raising their kids.
You want kids to care less? That’s easy. Just design an education system making them “well-rounded” by government standards, not well-equipped by market standards. Forget what they need. Forget their potential. Instead, socially engineer them, lecturing them on self-esteem. Raise their “awareness” on everything from sexual identity to whatever you’re calling “bullying” this week. Don’t just educate; advocate! Hey, they’re a captive audience, right? So, make them what you want them to be.
As their success and dreams drown ’neath your agenda, they’ll trudge forth like cattle, fenced in by the government machine. Do they care? Cattle don’t know how to care. Trained more to be Democrat voters than engineers, these kids become easy prey for dangerous movements.
My Solution: “Success Education”
Here’s a thought: Why not treat youths as individuals with potential, not numbers for an agenda? Rather than force kids to be “well rounded” by government standards, let’s simplify…a lot.
Space here forbids detail, but imagine if we wiped the slate clean of all current classes, then put back only those critical for functioning in the free market. We could even poll businesses for ideas. I call this “Success Education”--education geared solely toward the student’s free market success.
There would be two guiding questions:
1. “Does this course or lesson prepare kids to get jobs?” If it does, keep it. If not, dump it.
2. “Of those courses we keep, which are critical for basic entrance to the workplace at large, and which are specialized for different sectors of the economy?”
English, math, science, computer fundamentals—all these would comprise basics up to a certain skill level, beyond which they would come under “Specialization” (meaning optional). Psychology, music, theatre, physical education, world history, shop class—all these and more are great, but not critical to basic workplace entry. Thus, they too would come under “Specialization.” Kids could take specialized courses if their families wish—not because some bureaucrat wants to engineer captive audiences.
What about Sex Education? I’ll answer with a question: Does this course, whether teaching Christian abstinence or sexual “identity discovery,” help someone get a job? No. Then end sex education immediately. Besides, I don’t want schools forcing your kids to learn my views on sex, so why should anyone else force their views? All these idiotic courses achieve is generations of kids second-guessing every impulse; wondering what they are and what everyone else is as well. Note to girls: When guys stare at you today, they aren’t lusting—they’re trying to make sure you’re actually a girl. Not long ago, when teenage boys stared at hot girls, they’d go, “Pant, pant, pant!” Now they go, “Hmmm…okay…everything seems to be in order…”
In later grades, “Success Education” would stress internships throughout the marketplace, placing students in businesses applying to areas of specialization. So, businesses would get cheap help, students would earn a few bucks with real life experience, and teachers could guide students through actually applying learned skills. Everyone chooses, everything applies, everyone wins.
Learning in the Real World
But what do I know of dealing with young people, right? Truth is, I know a lot. I managed movie theatres for several years in Kansas City, where kids could work from the age of 14. Our “14’s and 15’s” were state-limited to 18 hours/week, and they did a great job. By the time they were 17, they were already “Leads”—“Supervisors” by 18. They grew up quickly, and they loved it.
Our staffs were white, black, Hispanic, Asian—it made no difference. Their backgrounds meant nothing, since I valued them not by where they’d been, but by their potential. Anyone could succeed or fail. I always told employees, “This is just a job, not your life. But if you do well here—and I’ll gladly teach you how—then you’ll do much better everywhere else.” And many did just that.
In the free market, failing to show up on time costs you a job. Bosses and coworkers are often petty, every detail affects profit/loss, and self-esteem is found through really being needed. This is where we become well-rounded; not in classrooms where teachers preach agendas. We can’t become well-rounded by replacing free market consequences with written exams. We become well-rounded in the real world, so let’s get kids into it.
Here’s the bottom line: When young people see their success means more than our agendas, they will care more. They will learn better. And when upset at possible injustice, they will do more than protest peacefully; they will protest effectively. They will demand answers, not loot stores. They will hold police and other authorities accountable, because they themselves will be accountable.
With young people like that, cops won’t have to worry—but bad cops will worry far more.
Cities without Caring
Look back at those images on TV, with all these spectacular, talented young people reduced to rampaging like savages. Just look…closely. Do you see it?
I see kids who don’t care. I see parents with no hope. I see boarded up buildings where there should be community businesses—businesses benefitting from low-cost labor while imparting real-life skills. Looking at Baltimore today, Democrats see political success. I see human debris.
This is what happens when people don’t care. Buildings burn. Families decay. Cities collapse. Young people wanting desperately to matter find structure in gangs, escape in drugs, and purpose in riots. Some poor guy dies in police custody, and the fuse is lit—but the dynamite was built up over years.
The reason for all this? Simple: People don’t care when your agenda means more than their success. Treat them as voting cattle, and they’ll vote from dependency, losing sight of opportunity. If you shelter them as lab experiments while molding them in your image, they’ll lose interest and fear the workplace.
My message to liberals is simple: You people accommodate every failure in your own backyards, blaming everyone else—from the rich to the police to white people to businesses to Republicans. You blame parents for their disinterest, as if you played no role in it.
But when your throats grow hoarse from blaming everyone else, understand this: The reason these kids are running wild is because they no longer care. And the reason they don’t care…
…is because you don’t.