(As Democrat presidential candidates file onto stage, the moderator begins shuffling through her notes. But then she notices another chair being placed next to her, and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez sits down)
AOC: “I run this Party now! These people must win my hand in endorsement! Yay!”
AOC: “I so, so promise I won’t make a sound! Please?”
MODERATOR: “Look, it’s just not—”
AOC: “Pleeeeeeazzzzze???”
MODERATOR: “Uh, sure. Do any candidates object?”
MODERATOR: “Alright then. Since Ms. Ocasio-Cortez is here, let’s start off with a group question. Show of hands: How many here support Ms. Ocasio-Cortez’s Green New Deal?”
MODERATOR: “Actually, that term has a negative—”
AOC: “It means I’m unique!”
MODERATOR: “Well…sure.”
AOC: “Did you know every snowflake is different from…from everything that isn’t a snowflake?”
MODERATOR: “About what?”
AOC: “Global Warming! We must stop Global Warming! Otherwise, in twelve years, the Earth will be…older!”
MODERATOR: “Really? Can you predict how much older?”
AOC: “No way! If I do, stupid Trump will just take me all literal!"
MODERATOR: “Uh huh—"
AOC: “Because he’s racist!”
MODERATOR: “Got it. Can we start now?”
AOC: “Yay!”
MODERATOR: “Is that a yes?”
AOC: “Not enough! More yay!”
BETO: “Throw all ICE officers in prison! Throw them in Mexican prisons! Treat them as war criminals!”
AOC: (clapping) “Yay! Yay!”
AOC: “Yay!”
BERNIE: (shouting, eyes twitching) “It’s the cows or us, I tell yuh! They must turn from their wicked ways! Then again, turning them probably won’t stop the problem! Maybe we should tip them! Where was I?”
MODERATOR: “Senator Sanders, let’s start with a question for you.”
BERNIE: (still shouting) “What?”
MODERATOR: (louder) “We’re starting with you now!”
BERNIE: “When?”
BERNIE: “What?”
MODERATOR: “It’s your turn!”
BERNIE: “Hurry Marty! Start the DeLorean!”
MODERATOR: “Excuse me?”
BERNIE: “Remember! 88 miles per hour!”
MODERATOR: “You know, I’m just gonna ask my question. Senator Sanders, the Green New Deal would cost $93 Trillion—”
BERNIE: “—uh huh—”
MODERATOR: “—and you’ve also proposed Medicare for all, free college, free housing for illegal immigrants, and many other programs—”
BERNIE: “—uh huh—”
MODERATOR: “—so by our latest estimates, all your ideas combined would cost more than relocating the entire population of America—”
BERNIE: “—uh huh—”
MODERATOR: “—to Saturn.”
BERNIE: “—uh huh—”
PETE: “I’ll start by reminding people how Donald Trump chose Mike Pence—the worst purveyor of hate ever! He doesn’t think being gay is Christian! So he disagrees with me, and disagreement with me is hate! MIKE PENCE HATES ME!”
MODERATOR: “I see. Perhaps some policy differences—”
PETE: “I saw Mike Pence outside my window last night!”
MODERATOR: “Mayor, it’s doubtful you—”
PETE: “He was judging me! I was just feeding the poor while rescuing puppies and honoring veterans, and I looked up, and there was Mike Pence with hate in his eyes!”
PETE: “And I shouted, ‘Why do you torment me, evil Mike Pence! And why are you so white?’”
MODERATOR: “So white?”
PETE: “Look at him! He’s like that girl from ‘The Ring!’ I also saw him staring in the window when I was at a gay bar!”
PETE: “Then I saw him in my rearview mirror!”
PETE: “He’s here right now!”
PETE: (slapping at the air) “Aaaaaaahhhhhh!!”
BIDEN: “Hey, call me Joe!”
MODERATOR: “Okay…Joe…you’ve recently had to deal with accusations of groping women.”
BIDEN: “Look, it’s not groping. Groping is abusive.”
MODERATOR: “Well, a couple of them—”
BIDEN: “What I do is more personal, where you really get to know someone. I call it, ‘probing.’”
MODERATOR: “Please don’t call it that.”
BIDEN: “Because people are hurting, you know? They have empty places in their hearts—emotional cavities—and I tell them, ‘I’m Joe Biden, and I’m here to probe your cavities.’”
MODERATOR: “My next question is for—”
BIDEN: “But don’t worry! All members of my staff wear protective clothing! Here’s a picture of my secretary!”
MODERATOR: “Oh, dear God—"
BIDEN: “It’s tasteful, without being provocative—”
MODERATOR: “—she looks like the Michelin Man—"
BIDEN: “—and it says, ‘I’m a big shot campaign staffer, and I can’t feel anyone touching me.’”
BIDEN: “I tell ya, it’s fun watching them move around the office.”
BIDEN: “They’re like bumper cars!”
BIDEN: “Hey, call me Joe!”
BIDEN: “One word: Helmets.”
MODERATOR: “Let’s turn to freshman Senator from California, Kamala Harris. Senator Harris, what sets you apart in this Democrat field?”
KAMALA: “I’m a black woman.”
MODERATOR: “I see that. Anything else?”
KAMALA: “Truth is, we all agree on every issue, but I am a black woman.”
KAMALA: “Oh please! That’s only one demographic! I’ve got two!”
BOOKER: “But I’m blacker than Obama! I took a shade test!”
MODERATOR: “Senator Warren, you are 1/1024th Indian.”
WARREN: “And damn proud of it!”
MODERATOR: “That’s like, one eyelash.”
WARREN: “But I identify as Indian! I’m just trapped in a white body! GOD MADE ME WRONG!”
MODERATOR: “Senator Warren, I have an Irish Setter. He’s more Indian than you.”
WARREN: “But—"
MODERATOR: “—Indian—”
BOOKER: “—as an Indian—”
MODERATOR: “—better—”
BOOKER: “—then I can identify as a woman! A blacker than Obama woman, with a side of Indian and two dashes of gay Muslim!”
MODERATOR: “Gay Muslim?”
BOOKER: “I can prove it! I’ll throw myself off a building!”
MODERATOR: “You don’t have to—”
BOOKER: “—and I’m also part Viking! I’m a gay Muslim Viking woman! Whatever it takes! Oh God, my campaign needs a reboot!”
WARREN: “I’m Indian! And maybe a woman! Case closed!”
AOC: “I’m Hispanic I think! Yay!”
MODERATOR: “Alexandria—"
BERNIE: (yelling) “What?”
MODERATOR: “Not you, Bernie—”
BERNIE: “I’m not Bernie?”
MODERATOR: “Let’s turn to Congressman Eric Swalwell. Congressman, you’ve stated that if gun owners resist your confiscation of their automatic weapons, it will be ‘a short war’ because ‘the government has nukes.’ Do you intend to nuke your fellow citizens?”
SWALWELL: “Of course not!”
MODERATOR: “That’s good to hear, because—”
SWALWELL: “The threat is enough! We’ll just wheel nuclear warheads up to their front doors and ring the doorbell. When these NRA crazies open the door and see what’s coming, they’ll back down!”
MODERATOR: “Warheads?”
SWALWELL: “We’ll put a big fuse on the back, with a guy holding a torch. It’s mostly for show.”
MODERATOR: “Congressman, can you tell us what percentage of gun crimes are actually committed by NRA members?”
SWALWELL: “Well, I don’t have the numbers at hand…”
MODERATOR: “Just an approximation, Congressman. What percentage of gun crimes do NRA members commit?”
SWALWELL: “…accounting for NRA membership levels…carry the one…”
MODERATOR: “How many, Congressmen?”
SWALWELL: “…minus depreciation…”
SWALWELL: “…do you want gross or net?”
MODERATOR: “Best guess, sir. What percentage of gun crimes do NRA members commit?”
SWALWELL: “All of them.”
MODERATOR: “Okay, so—wait, all of them?”
SWALWELL: “I’m afraid so. The numbers don’t lie.”
MODERATOR: “Congressman, most gun crimes involve gangs—”
SWALWELL: “—NRA gangs, yes—”
MODERATOR: “—or robberies—”
SWALWELL: “—gotta pay those NRA dues—”
MODERATOR: “—and Muslim Jihadists?”
SWALWELL: “The religion of peace never kills—unless they join the NRA! We should look into that! (stares into camera) And if I’m elected President, we will.”
BIDEN: “Are we almost finished? I need to pee.”
MODERATOR: “Joe, you can excuse yourself at any time.”
BIDEN: “Oh, thank you!”
MODERATOR: “No problem. Anything to stop you from talking.”
BIDEN: “Because I really have to go—”
MODERATOR: “—please stop talking—”
BIDEN: “—you know how, when you have to go so bad—”
MODERATOR: “—please stop talking—”
BIDEN: “—that when you finally go, there’s an actual recoil?”
BIDEN: “Hey, call me Joe!”
HICK: “Hi, I’m John Hickenlooper, and I’m—”
BERNIE: “He is? You bastud!”
MODERATOR: “Bernie—”
SWALWELL: “Yeah! Kill Whitey!”
MODERATOR: “Congressman—”
(Everyone’s shouting) “Down with Whitey! Reparations! Seize Whitey’s land, like in South Africa!”
(from offstage) “Mike Pence!”
MODERATOR: “For goodness sakes, most of you are white!”
WARREN: “But I identify as—”
BERNIE: “What?”
MODERATOR: “The debate is still going, Bernie.”
BERNIE: “Did I win?”
BERNIE: “That’s the problem! They’re chronically employed!”
MODERATOR: “Chronically employed?”
BERNIE: “This Trump economy is a disease, I tell yuh! Do you think young people want this? How can they find purpose while earning a living? How can they find a sense of accomplishment? That’s only found staying at home on food stamps while other people pay for your college and healthcare! THAT’S LIVING, I TELL YUH!”
MODERATOR: “But, everyone’s hiring right now.”
BERNIE: “Young people won’t fall for all this materialism!”
MODERATOR: “Even my kid started a corporation.”
BERNIE: “They need our help!”
MODERATOR: “He’s five.”
BERNIE: “They’re helpless, I tell yuh!”
MODERATOR: “He’s wearing a suit…and a Trump wig…it’s eerie…”
BERNIE: “Young voters will come back to me, as soon as they realize how helpless they are! THEIR HELPLESSNESS IS MY KEY TO VICTORY!!”
MODERATOR: “Alexandria—”
AOC: “Get it? It’s like I’m in Trump’s head! And it’s like I’m bouncing! Because I am!”
AOC: “Yay! That’s the best kind of alarm!”
MODERATOR: “Okay, that’s it! I can’t take any more! This debate is over!”
MODERATOR: (head buried in hands) “Sure, Bernie. You won.”
BERNIE: “Yay!”