anyone else will "become the tent." Dr. Paul is missing the whole point of the Republican Party—and indeed, of Conservatism itself.
I listen to Paul’s words about legalizing marijuana, auditing the Fed, drastically cutting the Federal Government, and re-assessing our foreign policy, and I get excited. I don’t agree 100%, but I think he and his supporters bring fantastic diversity to this big tent we share. They’re awesome, and even if Romney wins the
presidency, I WON’T BE SATISFIED until Dr. Paul plays a big role in fixing this nation, and his supporters play a big role in developing our party platform.
But here’s the problem: Too often, the Paul supporters want to REPLACE those of us who are sharing this tent with them. If I don’t want all our troops pulled home immediately, I’m told I hate the Constitution. If I don’t want all of the Patriot Act tossed immediately, I’m told I hate the Constitution. If I’m fine with legalizing marijuana, but not meth and cocaine, I’m told I hate the Constitution.
Memo to Ron Paul and his supporters: If you constantly tell people how stupid and unpatriotic they are, then maybe you shouldn’t throw fits when they’re not begging for your input. Don’t you understand what it
means to be Conservatives? We Conservatives believe in the individual, not collectivism, AND THAT MEANS WE BELIEVE EVERY INDIVIDUAL SHOULD BE HEARD AND VALUED, NOT ATTACKED AND DEMEANED.
Oh, and please don’t say, “Well, you guys attack and demean us!” That’s just embarrassing. I have never seen any group on the Right stomp about and shout in faces like you do—regardless of whether you’ve been provoked. And as for those times you are attacked, I have never seen a group on the Right beg for such treatment like you. You want better treatment? Then try not exploding every time someone disagrees with you. You want respect? Then try being the peacemaker when someone else is unreasonable. Quit whining about tolerance until you demonstrate some.
You know what’s the worst thing about Ron Paul saying his supporters will “become the tent”? ARROGANCE. He talks like he’s going to drive us out, not win us over. Again, are these the words of someone who values individuals over the collective? On the contrary, these sound like the words of someone hoping to TAKE OVER THE COLLECTIVE. Ron Paul is a great Conservative—one of my favorites—but should I just accept it when he speaks in such non-conservative terms?
Not a chance. Ron Paul needs to remember that ALL US INDIVIDUALS WHO VALUE INDIVIDUAL FREEDOM OVER COLLECTIVE CONTROL are “the tent.” Not just his group. Not just his peeps. So enter freely my friends, and know that neither Ron Paul nor any other single voice will block the entryway. In
Conservatism, no one voice demands complete allegiance, or claims to be the
final authority on our nation’s founding documents.