The tweet from the Obama campaign in regard to this design stated “A poster to say there are no red states or blue states, only the United States.” So this week I’ve watched protesters in other countries burn our flag, and now the President of the United States has endorsed his own flag. He could not have picked a better way to divide us.
If you know the history of our flag, the thirteen stripes represent the original colonies; the 50 stars represent the states. It changed over the years as we added more states, but it was always based on the same principle – United States.
Men and women have fought to defend our flag. The only reason other countries burn it in protest is that they know how sacred it is to the heart of all Americans. If you want to bring attention to your cause, burn an American Flag. You’re guaranteed to get airtime.
I don't know why, but the fact that a president is more recognized and associated with his own logo rather than the presidential seal or the American flag has bugged me for years. I'm a designer, I appreciate art. As a marketing consultant, I appreciate branding. But I say our flag is our brand. I do not want to be the United States of Obama.
I have to ask myself how dictators come to power. They are only one man, governing millions. It can only be achieved by a likable guy that convinces an army of people that his way is the right way. At some point in history I’m sure that Castro and Hitler were liked and admired. Bet they gave a good speech, and people thought they’d be great to hang out with. No one questioned, merely followed blindly.
I am embarrassed for the media. They make no bones about their opinions these days, and every story told has a slant. Most Americans watch the news, accept as fact, and move on. Never digging for the truth behind the story or even hearing the language that brainwashes them into believing that this is right, that is wrong. You’re not encouraged to reach your own conclusions, you’re told what to conclude.
I saw this flag and literally almost threw up. May not be a big deal to you, and you think she’s gone off her rocker for sure. But, my fellow Americans, I don’t want an American Flag that represents one man. Visit his website to see it for yourself. However, if you buy one, please never wear it around me.
The quote that has gotten me thru the past 12 years has been this…‘The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.’
I know I am not changing any minds, but when history records who did what and what did they stand for, I certainly don’t want to be the one that watched the parade go by and didn’t scream the EMPERIOR HAS NO CLOTHES!
*items may have been removed from store by the time you read this post.