Under the RFRA, “If you are a religious person, and your sincere belief system dictates that you do or not do something, and that runs up against the law, you have a right to a hearing.”
That’s it. While the law does expand protections to religious businesses, that’s still just a protection allowing a hearing. And according to Bill’s guest, Meghan Kelly, you’ll almost certainly lose anyway.
Liberal Bigotry
But in the eyes of liberals, no Christian should be allowed their day in court—even when forced to violate his/her beliefs. How do I know this? Just listen to them. I read the Washington Post op-ed by Tim Cook, leftwing CEO of Apple. I read a whole list of statements from celebrities in USA Today. I read the ludicrous stance from a leftwing company I’ll never patronize, Angie’s List. From the NCAA to Democrat politicians to liberal activists on social media, I read lots and lots of anti-Indiana rants.
I took one for the team, people. My intellect fell so low, I barely retained motor skills, and afterward it took me 27 minutes to open my fridge. You owe me.
Throughout these hate pieces, one thing was glaringly absent: Options. You see, like most Conservatives, I support protections for the LGBT community. Protections, not preferences. But while all these liberal advocates support the same LGBT protections, none of them—not one—offered any protections—not one--for people of faith. Thus, when choices clash—say, when one side demands a service violating the conscience of the other (this can go both ways)—the Left grants one side supremacy; amounting to preferences. If someone demands you provide services compromising your beliefs, these Leftists say, “Too bad. Period.” If you disagree with a lifestyle the Left supports, your views are criminal. Be silent. Be compliant. Serve all who hate you, and smile while they laugh.
Oh, and welcome to America.
Personally, I’d have no trouble making cakes or photos for gay weddings, but I have major issues forcing others to violate their conscience. Unlike the Left, I want to control my own life, not yours. I value your freedom. But in a nation teeming with endless photographers and bakers, the Left still insists on seeking out religious options to control. Why? Take it from this former Leftist: They just reeeeeeally despise Christians. Like, a lot. I’m not kidding. To the Left—even some claiming faith in God—we Christians are a virus; Earth’s worst disease.
Again, I’m not kidding. They deeply believe we’re the problem. Forget all the dead youths from Chicago violence. Never mind the brutal acts of ISIS. For liberal companies like Apple, the greatest tragedy facing mankind is Indiana, where one might have to drive a couple extra blocks for wedding cakes with matching grooms on them. Scandalous! In the eyes of Tim Cook, Indiana is full of backward hicks staggering lifelessly down streets at night, mumbling, “Brains…”—all to the majestic soundtrack of “Hoosiers.”
Before long, Angie’s List will feature carpenters building Satanic dens, Wiccan altars, or for outdoor enthusiasts, backyard mazes where Christians can be hunted for sport (lions cost extra). Need a High Priest who prefers to be called, “Dark Lord”? Just call Angie; she has twenty on speed dial.
(Incidentally, Satanism is my choice for dumbest religion. Who worships the villain from a book they don’t believe in? Then again, maybe I could score tax-exempt status as a priest in the Church of Voldemort…)
Going Forward
Mike Pence, Indiana’s Governor, has already stated he will have the law re-written this week to “make it clear that this law does not give businesses a right to deny services to anyone.” In other words, no Christian can decline providing any service of any kind to anyone gay regardless of religious conscience in any way under any circumstances…ever. But hey, that RFRA sure protects people of faith, right? Let freedom ring, baby!
Pence hopes to finish this quickly, after which he will fly overseas as a show of force in our negotiations with Iran (we tried having James Taylor sing for them, but Iranians don’t intimidate easily). Pence will then request another deserter be returned so we can empty the rest of Gitmo, and finally stop over in France to undo the Louisiana Purchase.
Honestly, Pence probably did the best thing for his state, but what should we do? Legally, I believe there is little we can do—the Left hates Christians, and most of the courts were appointed by the Left. But if we each want to stand for liberty, the greatest method is still available to us:
We can boycott everyone who threatened Indiana.
That means no more new purchases from Apple. No unnecessary travel to cities and states which banned government travel to Indiana. And for our friends at Angie’s List—who probably spend their days wondering what the “T” stands for on “COEXIST” bumper stickers—they shouldn’t get one dime of business from any liberty-loving American ever again.
Does this restrict your life? Look, I understand there are limits, and you can’t block out every leftist purchase. But folks, these people just threatened to fiscally destroy a state! Forcing Mike Pence to abandon Christians altogether (he really had no choice), these people just said, “We will restrict our lives to take your freedom. Controlling you means that much to us.”
Is it asking too much that we restrict our lives in response? I don’t think so.
From this point forward, I will boycott those offering no balance—no protections for Christians. I will boycott these biased purveyors of hate. It’s that simple. This is my Religious Freedom Restoration Act—and it will never be undone.