But looking forward to this November's election, I think we need people to stop thinking about the Group of 9, and start worrying about the Group of 15. I refer to the 15-member panel that President Obama will soon staff to "control costs" by rationing our healthcare.
Think about it. How many people like the idea of an unelected 15-member rationing board deciding who gets what in healthcare? The answer is VIRTUALLY NONE, as only the hard left likes this idea. So let's emphasize it everywhere Obamacare is discussed, whether talking with people we know or chatting on blogs.
Just say this: "Do you like the idea of an unelected, 15-member rationing board deciding who gets what in
And for Conservatives, just how fairly did the Democrats spread the spending for Obama's Stimulus Program? truth is, it wasn't even close, as the overwhelming majority of funds went to government unions, businesses who supported Democrat campaigns, green energy scams, and left-leaning districts across the nation. So, after dispensing these public monies in such horribly biased fashion, just what will they do when dispensing limited healthcare funding and treatments? My goodness, need I even ask?
So forget about the 9, and talk to everyone you can about the 15. Trust me on this: Virtually all Americans hate the idea of this board, but they don't know it's coming. If we inform them of the 15 and let them know Romney will eliminate it, we'll no longer have to worry about the 9--because our NEW President will eliminate today's terrible power grab by the Court and our Leftist President.
Forget the 9, look at the 15! If you want to see the polls move even further our way on heathcare, this is a winning message.